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  4. Transition Risk Assessment & Mitigation

Transition Risks are business-related risks due to government regulations and disclosure rules around how properties impact the environment. These regulations range from city building ordinances such as LA EBEWE and NYC’s Local Law 97, which require buildings of certain sizes to benchmark their energy usage or reduce emissions, to state and federal level emission disclosure rules such as California’s Climate Disclosure Bills and SEC’s Climate Risks Disclosure Rules.

Companies must comply with these regulations by their deadlines or face hefty fines, and assets can become stranded if they do not adhere to these energy efficiency standards soon.

Partner Energy helps clients nationwide assess the transition risks associated with their properties, as well as mitigate those risks through a full suite of compliance and decarbonization services. Our team of sustainability consultants and professional engineers are experts at meeting the requirements for current building standards throughout the country and keep track of all upcoming regulations. We provide scalable custom solutions that fit the needs of the client, whether it is for a single asset or for a hundred-property portfolio.

Our services for Transition Risks Assessment and Mitigation include:

Energy Compliance Screening – Partner Energy determines which of the client’s properties in the US are subject to a compliance law related to energy use or greenhouse gas emissions.

There are currently three types of compliance requirements:

To help properties meet these compliance requirements, Partner Energy offers the following services:

  • Utility data collection and benchmarking of energy, water, and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Energy & Water Audits
  • Retro-Commissioning or Building Tune-Ups
  • Decarbonization Pathways

Additional Services:

Project Tracking for energy efficiency and decarbonization measures as they are implemented for each property.

ESG Metrics Reporting for clients with ESG corporate policies.

Partner Energy also provides a suite of services for Physical Climate Risks, including Climate Hazards Assessment, Property Resilience Assessment, and COPE Assessment.

Contact us for more information.