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  4. Integrated Physical Needs Assessments

In New York, existing buildings being repurposed for affordable housing need an IPNA (Integrated Physical Needs Assessment) to access 4% and 9% LIHTC funds.

IPNA is a property evaluation protocol for existing buildings that have planned a preservation and rehabilitation project and are seeking financing and/or approval from New York affordable housing agencies. All preservation and rehabilitation  projects applying for 4% and 9% LIHTC funds are required to complete an IPNA. There are three components to an IPNA:

    1. Physical Needs Assessment (ASTM E2018-15 Standard Guide)
    2. Energy Audit (ASHRAE Level II)
    3. Healthy Home Assessment

Developers must engage an HDC-approved provider like Partner Energy to perform IPNAs. We offer all IPNA services under the Partner umbrella for rapid, efficient performance. Working with our affiliate Partner Engineering and Science, Inc, the Partner organization can complete both the Needs and Energy Assessment with existing resources.

IPNA 3-step process flowchart with timeframe

How can we help you?

(888) 826-1216
