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New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) offers information, programs, technical expertise and support to help New Yorkers increase energy efficiency, save money, use renewable energy, and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.


Partner Energy is an approved FlexTech Consultant for NYSERDA’s Flexible Technical Assistance Program (FlexTech). The FlexTech program is designed to help buildings reduce energy costs and incorporate clean energy into capital planning by sharing the cost of energy study’s and implementation of energy efficient technologies.

Program eligible energy studies include:

  • Energy efficiency analyses
  • Investigation of an advanced technology or system
  • Creation of a long-term energy plan
  • Investigation energy savings
  • Investigation of Clean Heating and Cooling Systems including Air Source Heat Pumps, Ground Source Heat Pumps, Variable Refrigerant Flow, and Solar Heating and Cooling
  • Investigation of distributed energy resources


Partner Energy is an approved Multifamily Building Solutions Provider for NYSERDA’s Multifamily Performance Program (MPP). We work with affordable multifamily building owners/developers and property managers to assess the energy performance of existing buildings and identify the most economical energy conservation measures to improve operational cost and efficiency. Our assessment will include a customized plan to achieve a minimum of 15% energy savings, or to bring the building up to current energy code requirements.

NYSERDA MPP provides incentives ranging from $700 to $3,500 per dwelling unit to make improvements that lower the buildings energy use and utility costs. The higher the energy savings, the higher the potential monetary incentive per unit.

MPP is a great option if you fit into one or more of the following categories:

  • Refinancing the Property
  • Undergoing Renovation
  • Planning Capital Improvements
  • Pursuing LIHTC Funding
  • Pursuing a Utility Incentive Program
  • Participating in an Energy Audit
  • Seeking to Reduce Operating Expenses.


Partner Energy is an approved Primary Energy Consultant for NYSERDA’s Multifamily New Construction Program (MFNCP). There are incentives for both affordable and market rate new construction projects and rehabilitation of energy efficient multifamily buildings.

Compliance Paths for New Construction:

  • Performance Path with Energy Star Multifamily High-Rise Program (MFHR)
  • Passive House Institute US (PHIUS)
  • Passive House Institute (PHI)

Compliance Paths for Rehabilitation Projects

  • Modified Prescriptive Path (MoPP)


Partner Energy is an approved Primary Energy Consultant for NYSERDA’s Low-Rise New Construction Program (LRNCP) . There are incentives for both affordable and market rate new construction projects and rehabilitation of energy efficient multifamily buildings.

Compliance Paths for New Construction:

  • Performance Path with ENERGY STAR® Homes

Compliance Paths for Rehabilitation Projects

  • Performance Path with ENERGY STAR® Homes
  • New York Energy $mart (ENERGY STAR® Homes with Waivers granted on a case-by-case basis)


Partner Energy is an approved Solution Provider for NYSERDA’s RetrofitNY program.The RetrofitNY program supports the creation of standardized, scalable processes and solutions that can be applied to other renovation projects to improve tenant comfort and energy performance. Modeled after the Energiesprong program, the RetrofitNY program supports buildings that, when renovated, achieve net-zero or close to net-zero energy consumption.

Using an integrative design approach, Partner Energy will work with design teams from project inception to completion to provide high-performance building solutions. While in the program’s early stages, the goal is to develop economical and scalable processes that will drastically improve the energy performance of New York’s existing building stock.

Improving the efficiency of New York’s affordable housing sector will increase property values in communities, improve building energy performance, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide a more comfortable and healthy living environment for residents while also improving exterior building aesthetics.

How can we help you?

(888) 826-1216
