Tag Archives: property resilience

Safeguard Your Acquisition from Transition Risks

Originally published on GlobeSt In 2025 and beyond, not only must CRE owners and investors deal with physical climate risks like wildfires and hurricanes, but they also need to manage the transition risks that come with the shift toward a low-carbon economy. Transition Risks are business-related risks due to government regulations and disclosure rules around […]

Property Resilience, Risk Mitigation, and Insurability

Property Resilience and Insurability Webinar

Is your property future-proof? In this recorded live webinar, Partner Energy President, Tony Liou, and Partner Engineering and Science Technical Director, Jessica Wright, dive into strategies for climate-proofing your assets. Topics include physical and transition risks, identifying potential regional climate risks, property-specific risk assessments and resilience measures, the ASTM Guide for Property Resilience Assessment, as […]

The Case for Property Resilience – a Lone House Left Standing Post-Maui Fire

With increasingly unpredictable weather patterns and the growing threat of wildfires, the importance of property resilience measures cannot be overstated. Implementing such measures help to fortify properties against natural disasters, minimize the potential damages, reduce downtime, and increase property value. The lone “miracle house” that survived relatively unscathed after the Maui fire while the houses […]

Addressing the Insurance Crisis Through Property Resilience

Published August 2023 The withdrawal of larger insurance companies from certain markets has left property owners in a scramble to secure coverage since property insurance is required by lenders. While insurance policies and premiums may require time to catch up with property resiliency efforts, property owners and investors should consider proactively upgrading their properties. In […]

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