Partner Energy is an Executive Member of EPA’s ENERGY STAR Certification Nation

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is celebrating the 30th Anniversary of ENERGY STAR with a one-time recognition of organizations that have earned EPA’s ENERGY STAR certification for five or more buildings in 2022. The eligible organizations gain “membership” to ENERGY STAR Certification Nation at four tiers—Member, Premier Member, Executive Member, and Elite Member, depending on the number of buildings they certified in 2022.

Partner Energy is an approved ENERGY STAR partner and has earned over 50 ENERGY STAR certifications for buildings this year, making us an Executive Member of Certification Nation. In total, Partner Energy has earned over 500 ENERGY STAR certifications for buildings in our operating history.

ENERGY STAR was launched in 1992 and is a voluntary EPA program that helps organizations assess their energy performance, improve efficiency, and earn recognition. To earn an ENERGY STAR, a commercial building must be verified to operate more efficiently than 75% of similar properties nationwide. ENERGY STAR certified buildings use 35% less energy on average and are responsible for 35% less carbon dioxide emissions than typical buildings.

One of the benefits of ENERGY STAR certification is that the recognition is widely used by local and federal programs, including AB 802, Fannie Mae Green Financing, Freddie Mac Green Advantage, and HUD Financing.

A new ENERGY STAR certification is coming in 2024, named ENERGY STAR NextGen Certified Building, which will recognize existing high-performance buildings with low energy use and low greenhouse gas emissions.

Contact Partner Energy today to learn how we can help your property become ENERYG STAR certified.


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