The Grand Opening Celebration for Fickett Towers in Van Nuys hosted by California
Commercial Investment Group will take place next Tuesday October 28th.
Fickett Towers is a twelve story 200 unit Section 8 property for senior citizens, originally built in 1974. Fickett Towers happens to be the first transaction in the country where HUD allowed a non-profit seller to retain proceeds in order to further their charitable cause, preserving an at risk low income property.
As part of this effort, the building’s renovation was funded using a bond and 4% Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC). During this process Partner Energy provided:
CTCAC/CDLAC Sustainability Support, Combustion Testing, CAL Green Verification
Energy Upgrade California Rebate Support
Energy Modeling and Energy Audit Report
Partner Energy guided California Commercial Investment Group through the energy conservation measures at Fickett Towers, which included chiller replacement, new energy star appliances, high efficacy lighting and low-flow water fixtures. The project achieved over 15% post-construction energy savings, complying with CTCAC requirements and meeting eligibility requirements for significant utility rebates.