How can property owners take advantage of energy efficiency incentives/tax breaks?

In these unsettling times of escalating energy prices, energy conservation has become the name of the game! Seeing that commercial buildings account for more than 39% of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, local and federal governments have begun implementing rules/ incentives in order to encourage property owners to conserve as much energy as possible.

It is understood that incentives are being offered, but how can you measure and prove a reduction in a facility’s energy use/take advantage of these incentives?

This is where benchmarking, energy audits and implementation comes in! Allow Partner Energy to  clear up some of these questions…


Benchmarking is the process of measuring and comparing  a building’s energy and water consumption to like buildings. Benchmarking is the first step to understanding and reducing your facility’s energy consumption and carbon footprint. Partner Energy can benchmark your building and help you determine achievable and cost-effective energy and greenhouse gas reduction goals.  Partner Energy is an Energy Star partner and uses the Energy Star Portfolio Manager and our own proprietary tools to benchmark and set energy and cost reduction goals for your building.

Energy Audit Reports

Energy Audits will determine which energy efficiency measures will help you reach your target energy reduction goals and meet your capital investment return criteria.  Partner Energy engineers will conduct an on-site field visit to evaluate various building systems and present the following for each energy efficiency measure recommended:

  • Scope of Work
  • Estimated Complete Installation Cost
  • Estimated energy and operating savings
  • Greenhouse gas emission reduction
  • Available rebates and incentives
  • Payback period and Internal Rate of Return

Detailed Engineering and Implementation

Once the appropriate energy efficiency measures have been identified, Partner Energy will help you implement the energy efficiency measures by providing engineering services, project management, construction management, project financing  and rebate and incentive management support.

If you have any additional questions, comment, concerns and/or are interested in having an Energy Audit performed on your commercial property, please feel free to contact:

Efficiency and Profitability

(888) 826-1216


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