Green Technology Training: 2016 Building Efficiency Standards: Changes and Challenges

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California’s building efficiency standards have been updated, with changes that will become mandatory in January 2017.

Scott Blunk, Director at Partner Energy, will be hosting the 2016 Building Efficiency Standards: Changes and Challenges seminars on behalf of Green Technology.

These seminars will cover what’s new in the Energy Code for both residential and non-residential buildings, from high performance walls and attics to lighting and lighting controls. The sessions will also review challenges that have been created in implementing the 2103 standards, as well as strategies for addressing them.

Each seminar will run from 10am – 4pm, with an hour break for lunch (which will be provided).

Cost of attendance is $265.00.

  • February 26, 2016 – Altadena, CA Register here.
  • March 3, 2016 – San Jose, CA Register here.
  • March 11, 2016 – San Diego, CA Register here.
  • March 17, 2016 – South San Francisco, CA Register here.

Seating is limited, register today!

Scott Blunk is a director at Partner Energy where he leads a team of energy efficiency engineers. He is also a licensed General Contractor and Real Estate Broker as well as a HERS Rater, GreenPoint Rater and LEED AP. He has extensive experience conducting energy audits for a variety of energy efficiency programs throughout the country. He has performed energy assessments and energy upgrades on hundreds of buildings including commercial, multifamily, and single family residences. He consults on energy efficiency related issues for contractors, developers, architects and municipalities. He teaches Building Science at Los Rios Community College and has recently served as a Commissioner on West Sacramento’s Housing Advisory Commission and Sacramento’s Historic Preservation Commission. Scott received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University and his Master of Business Administration from Marquette University.




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