Century City Medical Plaza
Century City, California
Property Type:
Property Size:
220,300 sf conditioned;
175,080 sf parking
Services Performed:
- Energy Audit
- Energy Modeling
- Level III ASHRAE investment grade audit
Partner Energy performed a Level III ASHRAE energy audit – also called an investment grade audit – for the Century City Medical Plaza. This facility has been an important part of community healthcare since its construction in 1969, and the client requested the Level III energy audit as part of a major renovation.
A Level III ASHRAE investment grade energy audit analyzes building energy data collected on-site for increased accuracy and understanding of building energy performance. Once data is logged and collected, Partner Energy analysts create robust energy models to evaluate options for energy efficiency measures. Accurate data means clients can be confident that the estimated savings are achievable. Partner Energy completed the audit and provided recommended energy efficiency measures (EEMs) that included detailed information on energy savings, cost, and payback period.
Projected savings from rebates and incentives from recommended EEMs were estimated at more than $100,000 annually, with an estimated payback period of just under seven years.