Last Updated April 29, 2024
Program Overview
Financial Incentive
North Carolina
Incentive Type:
Rebate Program
South River EMC
Start Date:
Expiration Date:
Applicable Sectors:
Residential, Residential, Residential, Residential, Residential, Residential
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
Geothermal Heat Pumps, Duct/Air sealing, Pool Pumps, Building Insulation, Water Heaters, Heat pumps, Windows
South River EMC offers a variety of rebates encouragings its members to invest in energy efficient appliances, equipment, and home upgrades. Incentives are available for a variety of energy efficient products, which must have been purchased within 90 days of the rebate application's submission.
Be sure to check the program website listed above for detailed information on how to apply for these rebates and specific program requirements and guidelines. Contact South River EMC with any questions.