Last Updated August 30, 2024
Program Overview
Financial Incentive
Incentive Type:
Rebate Program
Duke Energy
Start Date:
Expiration Date:
Applicable Sectors:
Commercial, Industrial, Commercial, Industrial, Commercial, Industrial, Commercial, Industrial, Commercial, Industrial, Commercial, Industrial
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
Clothes Washers, Commercial Cooking Equipment, Dishwasher, Commercial Refrigeration Equipment, Compressed air, Processing and Manufacturing Equipment
Duke Energy’s Smart $aver Incentive program offers prescriptive and custom rebates to non-residential customers to install energy-efficient equipment in their facilities. All Duke Energy South Carolina nonresidential electric customers are eligible, except those that have elected to opt-out of the Energy Efficiency Rider. Rebates are available for a wide range of equipment including lighting, heating and cooling equipment, chillers and thermal storage units, and others. All equipment must meet certain energy efficiency standards stated on the program website. To receive the rebates, customers should submit a completed application within 90 days after the equipment is installed and operational. A list of frequently asked questions and the program application forms can be found on the program website.
For more information, visit the program website.