Last Updated August 11, 2023
Program Overview
Financial Incentive
Incentive Type:
Rebate Program
Energy Management Department
Start Date:
Expiration Date:
Web Site:
Applicable Sectors:
Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
Motor VFDs, Pool Pumps, Vending Machine Controls, Windows
Modesto Irrigation District’s Commercial Power Saver Rebate Program offers incentives to commercial, industrial, and agricultural customers for the purchase and installation of qualifying energy efficient products. Rebates are available for a wide variety of products, including: lighting, refrigeration, HVAC and air conditioning, high efficiency motors, and window sun shades.
Qualifying products must be installed before submitting an application. All installations may receive and inspections before and after installation. MID's program is extensive and well documented, please review the program's website and supporting documents for specific details and requirement or contact MID directly.