Last Updated August 11, 2023
Program Overview
Financial Incentive
Incentive Type:
Rebate Program
Energy Management Department
Start Date:
Expiration Date:
Applicable Sectors:
Residential, Residential, Residential, Residential, Residential, Residential, Residential
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:
Air conditioners, Heat pumps, Building Insulation, Water Heaters, Clothes Washers, Motor VFDs, Pool Pumps, Programmable Thermostats
Modesto Irrigation District’s Home Rebate Program offers residential customers cash rebates for the purchase and installation of qualifying energy efficient products installed in existing homes. Rebates are available for equipment meeting program efficiency standards which were purchased within the eligible time period.
Customers who wish to participate in this program must send a completed application packet and any necessary photocopies of the original itemized and dated invoice or sales receipt to MID's Energy Management Department. A program catalog with specific equipment requirements and the program application can be found on the program web site.