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Last Updated June 25, 2024

Program Overview


Financial Incentive



Incentive Type:

Grant Program


Wyoming Department of Transportation

Start Date:


Expiration Date:


Web Site:

Applicable Sectors:


Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:



Note: The Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) created the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Grant Program with a total budget of $5 billion. Each state was allocated a share of that total to help build out a national network of electric vehicle charging stations along designated alternative fuel corridors (AFCs). With some limited exceptions, EV charging stations funded through the NEVI program should be spaced 50 miles apart and within one mile of the Interstate exit or highway.

The Wyoming Department of Transportation's (DOT) deployment plan stipulates that Wyomingites are currently not adopting the EV technology in enough numbers to require NEVI program station densities, with the greatest potential users being out-of-state travelers. The plan limits the number of additional NEVI-sized stations installed along interstates and recommends remaining funds be used for fuel corridor routes to State and National parks. The NEVI plan details several highlights including the use of matching funds from private or local jurisdictions, with no matching state funds to be used. The DOT will operate funds through a series of RFPs for biddings to construct, maintain, and operate stations along AFCs. The state deployment plan assumes that local jurisdictions and businesses are better suited to determine the size, frequency, location, and capacity of stations for their own needs and does not require that the stations must meet NEVI criteria. The plan will fund larger stations if local jurisdictions deem it appropriate. Deployment of the plan will result in the construction of 911 miles of EV charging corridors. The state's Final Year Two Plan was submitted in October 2023. In winter 2023/2024 WYDOT issued a RFI to gauge interest from private businesses or local governments who intend to apply for NEVI Funds.