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Last Updated November 8, 2024

Program Overview


Financial Incentive



Incentive Type:

Rebate Program


River Falls Municipal Utilities

Start Date:


Expiration Date:


Web Site:

Applicable Sectors:


Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:



River Falls Municipal Utility (RFMU) offers a variety of rebates to business customers for implementing energy efficient equipment upgrades. Incentives are available for commercial lighting, central AC tune-ups, LED exit signs, and custom projects.

Custom offerings include the Shared Savings Program, which provides incentives for up to $50,000 to cover the sometimes daunting upfront cost of energy efficiency improvements. Repayments are made through monthly installments on a customer's utility bill. Repayment plans are based on the savings generated from the implemented energy efficiency measures. As a result, the amount paid on a customer's utility bill should remain basically unchanged.

The River Falls Municipal Utilities (RFMU) Rebate Program offers business incentives for energy efficiency, commercial air tune-ups, energy efficiency for non-profits, new construction design assistance, and schools assistance.

Additionally, the Focus on Energy Rebate Program is designed to help commercial customers who wish to make energy efficiency upgrades. Customers must get pre-approval to qualify for this program. Eligible measures include:

  • Lighting
  • HVAC
  • Motors and Drives
  • Compressed Air Systems
  • Electric Chillers
  • Food service measures
  • Agricultural Process Equipment
  • Specialty Measures
  • Energy Efficiency studies

Incentive amounts for the Focus on Energy Rebate Program vary by project. Contact the utility or visit the focus on energy website for more information.