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Last Updated June 25, 2024

Program Overview


Regulatory Policy



Incentive Type:

Energy Standards for Public Buildings



Start Date:


Expiration Date:


Web Site:

Applicable Sectors:


Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:



The Ohio School Facilities Commission (OSFC) administers funds appropriated by the Ohio General Assembly for the construction of new schools and renovations of existing schools. In September 2007 the OSFC approved a resolution (Resolution 07-124) requiring that all new school construction projects not already in the design phase achieve LEED for Schools Silver certification, with a goal of achieving LEED for Schools Gold certification. Credits under LEED Energy and Atmosphere Category are considered to be "preferred" investments, although the regulation sets no specific standard for this category outside of the existing certification prerequisites.

The overall program is expected to fund 250 new or renovated school buildings, all of which will be required to abide by the sustainable building standard described above. 412 buildings have been registered, with 3 Platinum, 122 Gold, 279 Silver and 8 Certification levels received.

Provisions in S.B. 221, which became effective July 31, 2008, directed the OSCF to adopt "solar ready" requirements and guidelines for schools. In response, the OSFC passed Resolution 08-164 in November 2008 providing requirements and guidelines for "solar ready" schools, where solar ready means capable of accommodating the eventual installation of roof-top, solar photovoltaic energy equipment. The requirements were incorporated into the Ohio School Design Manual. In June 2012, the OSFC proposed new rules for the "solar ready" standards which were taken into effect August 10, 2012 under Ohio Code 3318:1-9-01.