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Last Updated July 13, 2022

Program Overview


Financial Incentive



Incentive Type:

Rebate Program


Spring Valley Public Utilities

Start Date:


Expiration Date:


Web Site:

Applicable Sectors:

Commercial, Industrial, Federal Government, Commercial, Industrial, Federal Government, Commercial, Industrial, Federal Government, Commercial, Industrial, Federal Government, Commercial, Industrial, Federal Government, Commercial, Industrial, Federal Government

Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies:

Motors, Custom/Others pending approval, Food Service Equipment, Motor VFDs, Vending Machine Controls, Energy Mgmt. Systems/Building Controls


Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (SMMPA) is a joint-action agency which generates and sells reliable electricity at wholesale to its eighteen non-profit, municipally-owned member utilities, and develops innovative products and services to help them deliver value to customers. Spring Valley Public Utilities, a member of SMMPA,  provides incentives for its commercial and industrial customers to improve the energy efficiency of facilities. Rebates are available for a variety of energy-efficient equipment, including for the following:

  1. Lighting
  2. HVAC
  3. Motors and pumps
  4. Compressed air equipment/leak correction
  5. Guestroom energy management
  6. Vending machines
  7. Food service equipment
  8. Custom projects

Each type of equipment has minimum efficiency and performance ratings which must be met in order to qualify for the rebate.  These requirements can be found in the forms provided on the program's website.