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We've found 100 programs for New York.

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Filtering by: Financial Incentive [ Reset Filter ]

NameStateCategoryPolicy/Incentive TypeCreated
USDA - Biorefinery, Renewable Chemical, and Biobased Product Manufacturing Assistance ProgramUSFinancial IncentiveLoan Program10/04/2012
ConEd (Gas and Electric) - Small Business Direct Install ProgramNYFinancial IncentiveRebate Program06/27/2013
NY Green BankNYFinancial IncentiveOther Incentive09/02/2014
NY-Sun Loan ProgramNYFinancial IncentiveLoan Program09/03/2014
NY Open C-PACENYFinancial IncentivePACE Financing09/14/2014
USDA - Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Energy Audit and Renewable Energy Development Assistance (EA/REDA) ProgramUSFinancial IncentiveGrant Program02/18/2015
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)USFinancial IncentiveGrant Program03/16/2015
Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)USFinancial IncentiveGrant Program03/31/2015
Fannie Mae Green Financing – Loan ProgramUSFinancial IncentiveLoan Program05/28/2015
PSEG Long Island- Commercial Solar PV Feed-in TariffNYFinancial IncentiveFeed-in Tariff02/24/2017
PSEG Long Island- Fuel Cell Resource Feed-in TariffNYFinancial IncentiveFeed-in Tariff02/24/2017
Energy Conservation Improvements Property Tax ExemptionNYFinancial IncentiveProperty Tax Incentive03/27/2019
NYSERDA Bulk Energy Storage Incentive ProgramNYFinancial IncentiveRebate Program06/13/2019
NYSERDA Retail Energy Storage Incentive ProgramNYFinancial IncentiveRebate Program06/15/2019
Con Ed Demand Management for Industrial and Commercial CustomersNYFinancial IncentiveRebate Program07/01/2019
VW Funding for Diesel Replacement and EVSE ProjectsNYFinancial IncentiveGrant Program06/10/2021
NYSERDA - Drive Clean RebateNYFinancial IncentiveRebate Program06/10/2021
NYSERDA - Charge Ready NYNYFinancial IncentiveRebate Program06/11/2021
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Rebate ProgramNYFinancial IncentiveRebate Program06/11/2021
Alternative Fuels and EV-Recharging Property CreditNYFinancial IncentiveCorporate Tax Credit06/11/2021
Green Pass DiscountNYFinancial IncentiveOther Incentive06/11/2021
NYSERDA - New York Truck Voucher Incentive ProgramNYFinancial IncentiveRebate Program06/11/2021
Plug-In Electric Drive Vehicle Tax CreditUSFinancial IncentivePersonal Tax Credit08/18/2021
Central Hudson - Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Make-Ready ProgramNYFinancial IncentiveRebate Program08/21/2021
Consolidated Edison - SmartCharge New YorkNYFinancial IncentiveRebate Program08/21/2021
National Grid - Electric Vehicle Charging Station Make-Ready ProgramNYFinancial IncentiveRebate Program08/21/2021
New York State Electric and Gas - Electric Vehicle Make-Ready ProgramNYFinancial IncentiveRebate Program08/28/2021
Orange and Rockland Utilities - Electric Vehicle Make-Ready Program (POWERREADY)NYFinancial IncentiveRebate Program08/28/2021
PSEG Long Island - EV Make Ready ProgramNYFinancial IncentiveRebate Program08/28/2021
PSEG Long Island - Direct Current Fast Charging IncentiveNYFinancial IncentiveRebate Program09/04/2021